Phase 2:
Tell Someone
This toolkit shares ideas of who you can tell about the abuse, and how to know when someone is being a good ally. Remember, when abuse happens to you, it is not your fault.
Your Phase 2 toolkit includes:

Tell Someone Guide
This Guide talks about:
- What disclosure means
- Different people you can tell when you have been abused
- How to report abuse to the police or the Missouri Adult Abuse and Neglect Hotline
- Helpful and not helpful responses to telling someone about your abuse
- Common feelings you may have after you tell
- Resources to help you if you have been abused

Deciding Who to Tell Easy Reader Booklet
This booklet uses pictures to talks about:
- What disclosure means
- Who you can tell about your abuse like the police or a mandated reporter
- What might happen if you go to the hospital

How People May Respond Info Video
In this video, you will learn the difference between helpful and not helpful responses when you tell someone about your abuse.
The Resources section offers links to connect you with support after abuse has happened to you.

Are you an ally for someone that has been abused?
The Tell Someone Guide also has helpful tips for how to respond in an appropriate way.